Epilepsies Action Network alongside other thought leaders for The Epilepsies advocated to the Senate and House Appropriations Committees for $10M in funding for the Undiagnosed Disease Network (UDN).
We are thrilled to report $18M was awarded! We are happy to be part of the broad advocates sharing the import of this program in identifying and understanding some of the most difficult to diagnose and rare medical conditions.
As of Dec 2022, the UDN had evaluated 2020 medical cases. They identified a diagnosis in 607 many of which had epilepsy as a symptom.
Genetic variants associated with seizures identified by UDN included: CDK19, WDR37, TIAM1, ROBO1, FZR1, RNF2, CAPZA2, EIF2AKI, OXR1, CACNA1A, ATAD2A and DNMIL.
Epilepsy Action Network proudly acknowledges our partners and co-signors including:
Child Neurology Foundation (CNF)
CURE Epilepsy
Danny Did Foundation
Decoding Developmental Epilepsies
DEE-P Connections
Epilepsy Alliance America
Epilepsy Foundation (National)
Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System
Global Genes
The Inchstone Project
Pediatric Epilepsy Research Consortium (PERC)
Rare Epilepsy Network (REN)