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Brandy Fureman, Ph.D.

Chief Outcomes Officer
Epilepsy Foundation

Brandy Fureman, PhD is the Epilepsy Foundation’s Chief OutcomesOfficer. Her main responsibility is to ensure that the Foundation’sprogrammatic activities result in better outcomes and quality of life forindividuals and families living with the epilepsies. Dr. Fureman directsthe Coordinating Center for the Epilepsy Learning HealthcareSystem, launched in 2019 in partnership with the James M.Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence at CCHMC. DrFureman is also Principal Investigator for the Foundation’sCooperative Agreement with the CDC and oversees theFoundation’s advocacy, education, and public health programs. Dr.Fureman previously served with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke(NINDS) as a Program Director in the Channels, Synapses and Circuits cluster, overseeing aportfolio of basic, translational, and clinical epilepsy research, including clinical trials. Herdoctoral thesis in neuroscience at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicinefocused on mechanisms of episodic dysfunction in a mouse model of calcium channelopathy.

Brandy Fureman, Ph.D.

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